With shows of stand-up comedians Munawar Faruqui and Kunal Kamra cancelled in Bengaluru, Telangana minister KT Rama Rao has described Hyderabad as a city where they, as well as others, can come and perform, saying that the state government is ‘very tolerant’ of all the criticism that it is subjected to. Telangana minister KT Rama Rao Hyderabad, the minister said, …
A legislator of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Madhya Pradesh on Monday called standup comedians Kunal Kamra and Munawar Faruqui Pakistan’s terrorists and hit out at Congress leader Digvijaya Singh for inviting them to perform in Bhopal. Bhopal Huzur MLA Rameshwar Sharma said he would not allow shows of anyone who disrespected Hindu deities anywhere across the state. Those …
Stand-up comics Munawar Faruqui and Kunal Kamra, who recently had their shows cancelled allegedly over threat to venues from right-wing groups, can come and perform in Bhopal, Congress leader Digvijaya Singh said on Monday. On November 28, the Bengaluru City Police denied permission for Faruqui’s show, titled ‘Dongri to Nowhere,’ which was scheduled to take place a day later. In …
The stand-up comic in a tweet wrote that he was now ‘seen as a variant of the virus’ and compared his predicament to Munawar Faruqui’s Mumbai: Comedian Kunal Kamra on Wednesday said his upcoming stand-up shows, scheduled to be held in Bengaluru, have been cancelled after the organisers received threats. The cancellation of Kamra’s shows come just days after another …
Stand-up comic Kunal Kamra on Wednesday said that all his shows in Bengaluru, which were scheduled over the next 20 days, have been cancelled. “I suppose I am seen as a variant of the virus now,” the comedian said sarcastically in a tweet, adding a word about Munawar Faruqui, another stand-up artist who was recently faced with a similar fate, …