At a time when Ukrainian defences are crumbling before Russian assaults, Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi has said that victory is impossible if Ukraine would remain defensive and now was the time to launch a counter-offensive At a time when Russia is on a winning spree, Ukraine’s military chief has called for a fresh counter-offensive. Amid such a situation, Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief, …
Analysts said that Russian forces are making their fastest progress in Ukraine since the start of the war, now moving closer to the important town of Kurakhove Russian forces have been advancing in Ukraine at the fastest pace since the early months of the war, are moving into the strategic town of Kurakhove and have been exploiting vulnerabilities of Kyiv …
Russia is trying to push Ukrainian forces from its western Kursk region with tens of thousands of soldiers, Ukraine’s president says, aiming to retake territory it has lost since August while its offensive in eastern Ukraine grinds on. In a post on Telegram on Monday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine’s soldiers were fighting against nearly “50,000 enemy troops” in Kursk. …
Pies, petrol, bomb alerts or complaints — these channels are the go-to platforms for residents in the middle of war. “There is an air raid alert in the world’s best town,” was the administrator’s message — one is that his most frequent, recurring post on the channels. Hours later, the administrator posted: “Air raid alert in the world’s best town …