Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended a Christmas celebration at Union Minister George Kurian's residence in Delhi on Thursday, where he interacted with the members of the Christian community. Sharing pictures from the event, PM Modi, on his official X handle, writes, "Attended the Christmas celebrations at the residence of Union Minister Shri George Kurian Ji. #WATCH | Prime Minister Narendra …
A day after his retirement, a Supreme Court bench nominated Justice Kurian Joseph as a mediator in a case involving rival family members.On 30th November, the bench comprising Justice AM Khanwilkar and Justice Hemant Gupta, while considering a special leave petition which is pending since 2005, observed: “Considering the nature of dispute involved in these matters, we deem it appropriate. …
Attorney General K K Venugopal praised Justice Kurian Joseph saying, “We are going to miss Your Lordship’s smile”. New Delhi: Bar leaders Thursday bid adieu to retiring Justice Kurian Joseph, terming him as one of the most “popular” judges in recent times with a “pleasant smile” and urged Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi to replace him a judge having a similar …