Battlegrounds Mobile India, the Indian version of PUBG Mobile has announced a collaboration with supercar brand Lamborghini to bring new vehicles to the game. The skins included in the Lamborghini crate are Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Verde Alceo, Lamborghini Estoque Metal Grey, Lamborghini URUS Giallo Inti, Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Verde, Lamborghini Estoque Oro, and Lamborghini Urus Pink. Here, Battlegrounds Mobile India …
Automobili Lamborghini celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Diablo this year, one of the most iconic models in the history of super sports cars, and originally on the market from January 1990. The Diablo sports the classic Lamborghini 12-cylinder set-up, with a 5.7-litre engine, four overhead camshafts and four valves per cylinder, equipped with multi-point electronic injection capable of developing …