Chandrayaan-3, India's third lunar mission, is all set to make its first soft-landing attempt on the Moon in three days. Chandrayaan 3 mission “The second and final deboosting operation has successfully reduced the LM orbit to 25 km x 134 km. July 17: The second orbit-raising manoeuvre put Chandrayaan-3 in an orbit of 41603 km x 226 km. July 22: …
ISRO has successfully performed the fifth and final orbit reduction manoeuvre of Chandrayaan-3, earlier today. The next step is for the separation of the Vikram lander, after which, it will perform a soft landing on the Moon’s south pole Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft achieved a significant milestone on Wednesday. The next steps involve the separation of the propulsion module and the Vikram …
New York CNN Business — NASA announced three new contracts to develop lunar landers — one of which could carry two astronauts to the surface of the moon in 2024. During a call with reporters Thursday, NASA AdministratorJim Bridenstine said the space agency would assess which of the three proposals could give NASA the “highest probability of success and the …