Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is all set to play Lankesh, the demon King Ravan, in his upcoming film Adipurush. Demanding the replacement of Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh, one Twitter user wrote, "Moron Saif Ali Khan doesn't know that we sing the Shiva Tandav Strotram even today which is created by Ravana. On Saif Ali Khan's birthday this year, …
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan courted another controversy recently after he revealed that the makers of his upcoming movie ‘Adipurush’ have decided to show ‘Ravan’ as humanely as possible. Speaking to Mumbai Mirror on his upcoming project ‘Adipurush’, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan said he was quite excited to play the role of ‘Ravan’ in the upcoming historical drama. Saif …
Saif Ali Khan will reunite with Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior director Om Raut again for Adipurush as an antagonist, Lankesh. Directed by Om Raut, the film is going to be the screen adaptation of the epic Ramayana and the movie has found its villain in actor Saif Ali Khan. Prabhas shared the character poster for Lankesh where a mighty warrior …