A sessions court in Bengaluru on Wednesday has ordered the shifting of three accused allegedly involved in the murder case of journalist Gauri Lankesh to be shifted to the Central Prison in Bengaluru from Arthur road prison in Mumbai. Principal City Civil and Sessions Judge Anil Bheemsen Katti in its order said, "Accused no.3, 4 and 12 who are placed …
A special court in Bengaluru through video conference on Saturday has framed charges against 18 accused arrested in the murder of journalist Gauri Lankesh. The accused charged are AMOLA KHALE, PARASHURAM ASHOK WAGMORE, GANESH MISKIN, AMITH RAMACHANDRA BADDI, AMIT DEGWEKAR, BHAARAT KURANE, SURESH H L ALIAS TEACHER, RAJESH D BANGERA ALIAS SIR, SUDHANVA GONDALEKAR ALIAS PANDEJEE ALIAS OANDEY ALIAS GUJJAR …
Ex-Congress President Rahul Gandhi appeared before a Metropolitan Magistrate Court in Sewree, Mumbai today and pleaded not guilty in a defamation case filed by Advocate Dhrutiman Joshi, an RSS Swayamsevak. Apart from Rahul Gandhi, Sitaram Yechury is also accused of defaming the RSS for linking journalist Gauri Lankesh's murder with the organisation. Both Gandhi and Yechury were granted bail by …
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and CPI general secretary Sitaram Yechury pleaded “not guilty” before the Mazgaon court on July 4 in a criminal defamation case filed against them by a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh worker for making allegations against the Sangh after the murder of journalist Gauri Lankesh. Mokashi granted bail to Mr. Gandhi on the surety of ex-MP Eknath Gaikwad …