It was the one classic moment that posterity would love to cherish, about a year fraught with miseries. When Bollywood legend Dilip Kumar turned 98 on Friday, several Bollywood bigwigs shared warm greetings on social media. The Nightingale of India took to Twitter and posted her best wishes, along with a note for her "bade bhai Dilip Kumar ji", written …
After Rajesh Roshan and Lata Mangeshkar expressed their displeasure on Total Dhamaal’s Mungda remix, Ajay Devgn has responded saying that he is ready to apologise to Lata Mangeshkar if she is upset about the issue Total Dhamaal' s remixed version of 70’s classic ‘Mungda’ has been grabbing headlines ever since its release. After composer Rajesh Roshan expressed his displeasure with …