New Delhi: The Election Commission has decided to re-examine the clearance it had given to Prime Minister's Office and NITI Aayog for alleged violations of the Model Code of Conduct during the Lok Sabha elections, said sources. The Commission had last week dismissed a Congress complaint alleging that the PMO misused the NITI Aayog for gathering information on Gondia, Wardha …
The Election Commission has decided to re-examine the clearance it had given to Prime Minister's Office and NITI Aayog for alleged violations of the Model Code of Conduct during the Lok Sabha elections, said sources. The Commission had last week dismissed a Congress complaint alleging that the PMO misused the NITI Aayog for gathering information on Gondia, Wardha and Latur …
Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora on Saturday denied any controversy in the internal functioning of the Election Commission over the handling of the Model Code of Conduct saying that "the three members of the Commission are not expected to be templates or clones of each other". CEC Arora’s reaction came after EC Ashok Lavasa wrote at least three letters to …
India is preparing to tighten regulations to deal with an expected escalation in social media-driven hate speech in the lead up to 2019 Lok Sabha elections. “We are looking at enforcing existing instructions and tightening regulations so that loopholes can be plugged.” India joins a growing list of countries attempting to curb the misuse of social media in election campaigns. …