NCP founder Sharad Pawar has moved the Bombay High Court against a PIL filed by an advocate seeking a CBI probe against him, his daughter Supriya Sule and Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar over alleged illegal permissions given to construct a private hill station at Lavasa in Pune district. Mr. Chinoy said in 2022, the high court had dismissed …
The Supreme Court on Tuesday issued notice to the Maharashtra government, Sharad Pawar and others in a petition challenging the Bombay High Court’s refusal to interfere in a PIL challenging special permission granted for the purchase of land for the Lavasa Hill Station Project in 2002. The respondents in the petition include the State of Maharashtra, Lavasa Corporation, NCP Chief …
The Bombay High Court on Saturday, while hearing the petition challenging the controversial Lavasa project, observed that there were irregularities and use of ‘political influence and clout’ by NCP chief Sharad Pawar and his family members in extending largesse to Maharashtra’s only private hill station project in 2002. The bench also observed that Ajit Pawar, who is the nephew of …