New Delhi: Salman Khan recently released the ‘Yentamma’ song from his upcoming film ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.’ In the song, the actor can be seen dancing, wearing a lungi with Venkatesh Daggubati and RRR star Ram Charan. A classical outfit which is being shown in a DISGUSTING MANNER — Laxman Sivaramakrishnan April 8, 2023 When another user …
Young India spinner Kuldeep Yadav is currently in brilliant form in 50-overs format and is slowly establishing a place for himself in the Indian squad for upcoming 2023 ODI World Cup. He ended with bowling figures of 3/51 in India vs Sri Lanka 2nd ODI and was named 'Player of the match' for his three-wicket haul, which helped the hosts …