Monk Amogh Lila Das, who was criticised for ridiculing Swami Vivekananda for eating fish, issued an apology Saturday. Last week, Das, who belongs to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, asked whether a 'divya purush' can eat fish in a video that went viral later. Amogh Lila Das has been banned by ISKCON for a month for his comment on …
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness has announced the “ban” of a monk named Amogh Lila Das, following his controversial remarks about Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahansa. In response, ISKCON issued a statement distancing itself from Das’s views, emphasizing that his remarks do not reflect the organization’s values and teachings. In 2010, at the age of 29, Amogh Lila Das …
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness has banned one of its monks named Amogh Lila Das for making objectionable comments on Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramhans. Lila Das made sarcastic remarks about Ramakrishna's teaching of "Jato Mat Tato Path", saying that not every path leads to the same destination. Amogh Lila Das is a spiritual speaker and is very popular …
Hindu Monk and Vice President for ISKCON centre in Dwarka, Delhi, Amogh Lila Das has mocked the petty conversion tactics used by Christian missionaries in a video posted on Youtube. In the video posted by the Youtube channel ‘Citti Media’, Lila Das was seen elaborating on how the evangelists dramatize miracles in the process of alluring people towards Christ. Lila …