As summer holidays steadily approach, the pile of bedside books you'll need to see you through isn't going to grow itself. Take note of these new releases our group of critics — The Bookshelf's Kate Evans, The Book Show's Sarah L'Estrange, ABC Arts' Katherine Smyrk and writer Declan Fry — have tucked into this month. Including new Rosalie Ham fiction, …
On the Shelf 'Didion & Babitz' By Lili Anolik Scribner: $30, 352 pages If you buy books linked on our site, The Times may earn a commission from, whose fees support independent bookstores. Lili Anolik, author of “Didion & Babitz.” After reading the letters, Anolik ditched her plans to revise “Hollywood’s Eve,” pivoting instead to write “Didion & Babitz,” …
Alan Bennett turned 90 in May and the marvellous old trouper shows flashes of his famously droll wit in Killing Time, a novella set during the pandemic in a home for the elderly called Hill Topp House. Box Office Poison: Hollywood’s Story in a Century of Flops by Tim Robey is published by Faber on 7 November, £16.99 Oliver Sacks: …