The mythical creatures from Latin American horror stories are haunting visitors at Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights. A new maze, “Monstruos: The Monsters of Latin America,” is giving life to popular Latin American legends like Tlahuelpuchi, La Lechuza and El Silbón. “We’ve basically created like a mini land within Halloween Horror Nights in Universal Studios Hollywood that’s fully dedicated to …
Guillermo Del Toro’s genre-bending and -blending approach to filmmaking allows him to reach a large and varied audience while also providing sharp social and historical commentary on Spain’s fraught past. Del Toro’s genre-bending and -blending approach to filmmaking allows him to reach a large and varied audience while also providing sharp social and historical commentary on Spain’s fraught past. Despite …
“La Llorona”, que se puede ver desde este fin de semana en la plataforma Shudder, es el tercer largometraje de Jayro Bustamente y su primera incursión en el género del terror. Y es que, bajo el disfraz de la escuela de los sustos y de una popular leyenda latinoamericana, el cineasta ha construido una poderosa cinta de denuncia en la …
What we call the Conjuring Universe has become a sprawling franchise of big-budget horror-lite spookfests that pull from every urban legend, folk tale and ghost story one can imagine, usually involving vengeful feminine spirits and the women with whom they do battle. We’ve got hauntings, possessions, creepy dolls, demonic nuns and now, the ancient ghost of a murderous mother in …