In the aftermath of 20-year-old Ankit Maurya’s tragic death after falling into an under-construction drain in Lucknow’s Faizullaganj area, the Lucknow Municipal Corporation on Monday formed a committee to investigate the incident. Nearly two weeks after the incident, the LMC announced a committee to investigate the construction of the RCC drain Ankit suffered severe injuries on October 31 when an …
LUCKNOW: One year after the tragic death of a 16-year-old girl, who was electrocuted near Phoenix Mall after coming into contact with a streetlight pole, a similar incident claimed the life of a 15-year-old boy in Shankarpurwa ward. “We imposed a fine of ₹5 lakh on Energy Efficiency Services Limited last year, and this year, the LMC has imposed a …
The Lucknow Municipal Corporation has returned a pitbull to its owner Amit Tripathi, whose mother was mauled to death by the canine earlier this month, but with conditions. If found violating the conditions, the dog will be seized by the LMC again.” He said that the owner was approaching officials almost daily with the request to handover the dog as …
Fear gripped the residents of Faizullahganj on Saturday after the mysterious death of over ninety pigs over the past three days due to an unknown disease. Health officials with the municipal corporation team inspecting the cause of death of pigs at Faizullahganj area in Lucknow. We discovered two dead pigs in different locations,” said Dr Ashish Singh, veterinary officer, Government …