Visakhapatnam: A 15-year-old boy, who had consumed bug spray after his parents restricted him from playing PUBG 20 days ago, passed away while undergoing treatment at the King George Hospital in Vizag late on Tuesday. Boya Lohith, a Class X student belonging to Pedagantyada under New Port Police Station limits in Vizag, had consumed the insecticide by mixing it in …
A 14-year old boy from Andhra Pradesh’s Visakhapatnam committed suicide by consuming insecticide after his mother reprimanded him for being addicted to the online game PUBG, the police said. Upset over his mother’s scolding for playing PUBG, Boyi Lohith mixed insecticide in a glass of water and gulped it down. Boyi Lohith, a student of Class 10 in a private …