Karnataka Lokayukta sleuths carried out raids against 13 officials on Tuesday in connection with a disproportionate assets case. Yadgir district Health Officer Dr Prabhuling Mankar, who is said to be a relative of a top BJP leader in the southern state, was among those raided. During the searches, a plot of land, a house, landed properties and documents worth ₹ …
Facing heat from the anti-corruption wing of Lokayukta, Karnataka BJP MLA Madal Virupakshappa has resigned as the chairman of Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Limited, the manufacturer of Mysore Sandal Soap. Madal Virupakshappa is under fire after his son was caught accepting a Rs 40 lakh bribe, and Rs 6 crore in cash was recovered from his home by Lokayukta officials. …