In a major crackdown on alleged corruption, Lokayukta police seized Rs 2.85 crore, 40 kg of silver, and other valuables from the Bhopal residence of a former Madhya Pradesh transport department police officer, officials said on Friday. Lokayukta officials recovered gold worth Rs 50 lakh and documents relating to assets, which are currently being examined. Lokayukta’s statement on the raid …
Facing heat from the anti-corruption wing of Lokayukta, Karnataka BJP MLA Madal Virupakshappa has resigned as the chairman of Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Limited, the manufacturer of Mysore Sandal Soap. Madal Virupakshappa is under fire after his son was caught accepting a Rs 40 lakh bribe, and Rs 6 crore in cash was recovered from his home by Lokayukta officials. …