Retired Supreme Court judge, Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose is likely to be named as India’s first Lokpal, the anti-corruption ombudsman. Ghose has also been the judge of the Calcutta High Court and the Chief Justice of the Andhra Pradesh High Court. Even though the judgment was passed after the former Tamil Nadu chief minister’s death, the bench comprising of Ghose …
Former Supreme Court judge Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose was on Sunday recommended to be the first Lokpal or anti-corruption ombudsman of India. His name was finalised and recommended by the Selection Committee comprising of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, eminent jurist Mukul Rohatgi. His appointment, if made by the government, may trigger …
Born in Kolkata, Justice Ghose is son of Late Justice Sambhu Chandra Ghose, former Chief Justice of Calcutta HC. Graduating in Commerce from St.Xavier's College, Calcutta, Justice Ghose completed graduation in law from University of Calcutta and obtained Attorney-at-Law at Calcutta HC, and enrolled himself as an advocate on 30 November 1976, with Bar Council of West Bengal. On 17 …
Retired Supreme Court judge Pinaki Chandra Ghose is likely to become India's first Lokpal or anti-corruption watchdog, reports said. His name was finalised and recommended in a Selection Committee meeting comprising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, and eminent jurist Mukul Rohatgi. The announcement has come days after the Supreme Court sought to …