NEW DELHI: The CBI on Saturday conducted searches at premises linked to Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra, including her parent’s home in Kolkata, in connection with the cash-for-query scam. The CBI carried out raids at Moitra’s flats at Ratnaboli apartment in Alipore and also in Krishnanagar. The CBI registered an FIR against the former Trinamool MP on Thursday on the …
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Saturday launched raids at various locations including Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra’s residence in Kolkata in connection with the “cash-for-query” probe, people familiar with the developments said. As reported by HT on Thursday, the former Lok Sabha member had “unauthorisedly” shared her login credentials with Dubai-based businessman Darshan Hiranandani and “demanded and accepted undue …
Central Bureau of Investigation on Saturday conducted searches at multiple locations, including Kolkata, linked to Trinamool leader Mahua Moitra in cash-for-query case. Teams of the central probe agency reached Moitra's residence in West Bengal's capital city and other cities early on Saturday, informed about the search proceedings and started the operation, officials said. Dubey, a Lok Sabha member, alleged that …