Asus on Tuesday launched the new ROG smartphone series. The Asus ROG Phone 6 series is powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 processor with up to 3.2 GHz CPU clock speeds, up to 18 GB of LPDDR5 RAM, and up to 512 GB of UFS 3.1 storage. The ROG Phone 6 Pro is available exclusively in Storm White and …
Pete Lau has confirmed that OnePlus 8 series will be powered by LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.0 storage. While most of what Lau has revealed is in line with the rumours we have come across so far, but at least, the following things aren’t speculations anymore: Pete Lau has confirmed that the OnePlus 8 series will be powered by the …
The Snapdragon 855 flagship chipset from Qualcomm has only just started showing up on flagship smartphones and we already have reports coming in for the next-gen Snapdragon 800-series platform. If the naming system for the recent Snapdragon 800 platforms is anything to go by, then the next-gen SoC will be called the Snapdragon 865. The report states that the new …