Actor Priyanka Chopra has been shooting for the spy series Citadel, co-created by Joe and Anthony Russo. Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden will star in Citadel. In the pictures, Priyanka Chopra was seen wearing a trench coat over a white coat. In a different set of pictures, her Citadel co-star Richard Madden was Earlier this week, Priyanka too had shared …
Priyanka Chopra’s upcoming project Citadel, from Avengers: Endgame and Extraction fame director Russo Brothers, is currently shooting in London. Pictures from the sets have emerged and tease the actress’ intense action avatar in the series. In one of the images, Priyanka is seen hanging from a harness with co-star Richard Madden. It’s a totally innovative, multifaceted international approach to storytelling,” …
Actors Angelina Jolie and Richard Madden were evacuated from the set of The Eternals after a bomb was found in the area of Mexico City where they were shooting. Angelina Jolie and Richard Madden star together in The Eternals. Several onlookers said that panic quickly spread during shooting of The Eternals and “everyone was ordered back to a safe distance”. …