All Jharkhand Students Union party leader Ganga Narayan Singh on Monday joined the BJP which, in all likelihood, will field him from Madhupur assembly constituency to take on JMM-Congress-RJD grand alliance candidate in the by-poll scheduled on April 17. Singh, who had unsuccessfully contested the 2019 assembly election on AJSU party ticket from Madhupur, embraced the saffron fold along with …
All Jharkhand Students’ Union Party leader Ganga Narayan Singh on Monday joined the Bhartiya Janata Party, that was likely to field him from Madhupur assembly constituency to take on the JMM-Congress-RJD grand alliance’s candidate in the by-election scheduled on April 17. Singh, who unsuccessfully contested the 2019 assembly elections on AJSU Party ticket from Madhupur, embraced the saffron fold along …