During his campaign for the Fatehpur Sikri Lok Sabha seat, Raj Kumar Chahar, the BJP’s candidate, Adityanath highlighted the significance of Brajbhoomi in Uttar Pradesh, paralleling its importance to that of Ayodhya and Kashi. Chahar, who currently holds the seat and serves as the national president of the BJP’s Kisan Morcha, is up against competition from BSP’s Ram Niwas Sharma …
In Uttar Pradesh, the Yogi government’s action against the mafia continues in Uttar Pradesh as CM Yogi recently said in the state assembly that the ‘mafias will be reduced to the ground’. In such a debate on TV, Journalist Rajdeep Sardesai was seen commending Mukhtar Ansari and Atiq Ahmed during his debate show. When Rajdeep Sardesai was speaking, pictures of …
Lucknow: Former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Friday dropped jailed party MLA Mukhtar Ansari as a candidate for the upcoming assembly elections in the state, saying the BSP will not field strongmen and mafia in the 2022 polls. बीएसपी का संकल्प ’कानून द्वारा कानून का राज’ के साथ ही यूपी की तस्वीर को भी अब बदल देने का है …