The Rajya Sabha on Wednesday passed the Constitution Order Bill, the Anusandhan National Research Foundation Bill, the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill and the Coastal Aquaculture Authority Bill. “The proposed legislation will help expand the benefits of government schemes and benefits meant for Scheduled Castes in the State to around two lakh more people,” Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment …
Empty supermarket shelves have become a common sight in the past few weeks, since coronavirus sparked widespread panic buying. Key points: Coronavirus has led to temporary shortages of some products in supermarkets But retail and agricultural experts say Australia has plenty of food to go around Rationing was introduced during World War II, but is extremely unlikely to be repeated …
As illegal wildlife trade flourishes along new trade routes to China, the endangered pangolin is disappearing from Sindh, one of Pakistan’s biggest provinces As illegal wildlife trade flourishes along new trade routes to China, the endangered pangolin is disappearing from Sindh, one of Pakistan’s biggest provinces By Shahid Shah The pangolin’s scales are its enemy, says Javed Ahmed Mahar, conservator …