The Rajya Sabha on Wednesday passed the Constitution Order Bill, the Anusandhan National Research Foundation Bill, the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill and the Coastal Aquaculture Authority Bill. “The proposed legislation will help expand the benefits of government schemes and benefits meant for Scheduled Castes in the State to around two lakh more people,” Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment …
The leave applications submitted by Sindh Police officers to IGP Mahar said that it had become hard for them to "discharge duties in a professional manner" due to the stress caused by Safdar's arrest. "The recent episode of registration of FIR against Capt Safdar in which the police high command has not only been ridiculed and mishandled, but all ranks …
Australia won't run out of things to eat and drink, and shoppers have no reason to panic, according to food growers and manufacturers. Key points: Farmers launch a marketing campaign reminding Australians there won't be a food shortage The farm lobby will tell people "Aussie farmers have your back" The Prime Minister has urged people to stop panic buying and …