Actor Huma Qureshi shared behind-the-scenes video from the making of her show, Maharani 2 on her Instagram handle. She said a team that laughs a lot works the best together and does not believe that an intense series requires an intense atmosphere for it. Huma can be heard saying, “jitne dialogues likhe the, sir Season 1 mai likhe the utna …
Year Ender 2021: The time to bid adieu to 2021 is almost here. Squid Game This Korean show went on to become a global hit and is still the number one in around 90 countries. The show’s pivotal roles were perfectly portrayed by refined actors like Saif Ali Khan, Dimple Kapadia, Tigmanshu Dhulia, and Sunil Grover. In addition, the show, …
Actor Huma Qureshi has appeared in back-to-back releases in two weeks -- the big-budget zombie film Army of the Dead, and the political drama series Maharani. While Huma played the lead role in Maharani, she appeared in a supporting role in Army of the Dead, directed by Zack Snyder. Drawing parallels, she continued, "Now that I'm in a way making …
Other trailers include the second season of Norwegian Netflix Original Ragnarok 2 and anime Trese. This week in trailers is an eclectic one — from the much-awaited and delayed second instalment of Netflix’s upcoming Filipino anime Trese, and Telugu romantic Ek Mini Katha. The Mysterious Benedict Society The Mysterious Benedict Society is a children’s show based on the best-selling book …