Actor Mahesh Babu’s Maharshi has struck gold at the box office with the highest opening day of ₹59 crore worldwide, according to trade analyst Trinath. Maharshi has registered career best opening-day numbers for Mahesh Babu, who has teamed up with director Vamshi Paidipally for the first time. Mahesh Babu and Pooja Hegde star in Telugu film Maharshi. Nizam - ₹6.38 …
Following reports of theatres hiking ticket prices ahead of the release of Maharshi, Telengana government has decided to file a petition in the High Court. Following reports of theatres hiking ticket prices ahead of the release of Mahesh Babu -starrer highly-anticipated action drama Maharshi, Telengana government has decided to file a petition in Telangana High Court against the producers and …
After being postponed several times, Mahesh Babu's upcoming film Maharshi is all set to hit the theatres worldwide tomorrow. One day ahead of the release of the film, Income Tax officials have raided producer Dil Raju's office. The Income Tax officials have raided Dil Raju's office located at the Sagar Society in Hyderabad. Ahead of the film's release on May …