The online auction for the very first production unit of the new 2020 Mahindra Thar has ended with the highest bid of Rs 1,11,00,000. The winning bid comes from New Delhi based Aakash Minda who will get the bragging rights to owning Mahindra Thar Serial No. Mahindra will offer the Thar LX trim to the winning bidder with the following …
Mahindra globally unveiled the new Thar on the occasion of India’s 74th Independence Day, August 15. The 2020 Mahindra Thar houses a 2.2-litre diesel engine offering 130 hp power and 320 Nm torque and a 2.0-litre stallion turbo petrol engine making 150 hp power and 320 Nm torque. The car which promises utmost comfort also comes with a choice of …
The 2020 Mahindra Thar is set to go on sale on October 2, but before its launch, Mahindra has initiated an auction for the very first production unit to raise money to aid Covid-19 relief work. With four days still to go, we won't be surprised to see Mahindra Thar #1 fetch upwards of Rs 1 crore. Mahindra Thar number …