Mahindra globally unveiled the new Thar on the occasion of India’s 74th Independence Day, August 15. The 2020 Mahindra Thar houses a 2.2-litre diesel engine offering 130 hp power and 320 Nm torque and a 2.0-litre stallion turbo petrol engine making 150 hp power and 320 Nm torque. The car which promises utmost comfort also comes with a choice of …
Mahindra and Mahindra has announced that the first Thar will be auctioned off and the entire proceeds will be donated to an entity supporting Covid-19 relief efforts. The new Mahindra Thar is equipped with a mStallion 150, 2.0-litre, TGDi petrol engine that develops maximum power of 150bhp and peak torque of 320Nm. The second-generation Mahindra Thar comes with features like …
Mahindra unveiled the highly anticipated new generation Mahindra Thar last week and will officially launch the off-road SUV on October 2, 2020. As mentioned already, the 2020 new Thar will be offered in three variants- 2020 Thar AX AC, 2020 Thar AX OPT and 2020 Thar LX. 2020 Thar AX AC 12V accessory socket Tilt adjustable steering wheel Vinyl seat …
One of the most awaited cars of recent times, the all-new Mahindra Thar has finally broken cover. In its latest avatar, the Mahindra Thar is now BS-VI emission norm compliant and comes with two engine options – a 2.0-litre mStallion TGDi Petrol engine and a 2.2-litre mHawk Diesel engine. The new Mahindra Thar has been updated with modern features like …