New Delhi When government and Opposition lawmakers started gathering in the Parliament complex on Thursday morning, tensions were simmering. At 10am, a group of NDA MPs with placards assembled near the Makar Dwar, the entrance to Parliament reserved for lawmakers to begin their protest over the Congress’s alleged disrespect towards Ambedkar. BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP, B Phagnon Konyak, then went …
Parallel marches, confrontation leading to injuries followed by FIRs: Tuesday unfolded as a day of high drama outside Parliament, with BJP leaders and the opposition locking horns over the alleged insult to Ambedkar. Several MPs of the ruling BJP-led National Democratic Alliance were protesting at the steps of Parliament's 'Makar Dwar' against the Congress' alleged insult of Ambedkar, while MPs …
The political slugfest over Amit Shah's remarks on BR Ambedkar saw dramatic escalation on Thursday, placing the Opposition atop the 'Makar Dwar' of Parliament in protest and leaving two Bharatiya Janata Party MP injured due to what allegedly was the result of a push by Congress MP Rahul Gandhi. L: Opposition MPs protesting on Makar Dwar of Parliament | R: …
Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar expressed disapproval of Trinamool Congress's suspended MP Kalyan Banerjee mocking him during a protest on Parliament premises, saying that the mimicry is “ridiculous” and “unacceptable”. Suspended TMC MP Kalyan Banerjee mimicks presiding officers in an impromptu skit depicting the proceedings of the House during a protest at the Makar Dwar over the suspension of MPs …