Parallel marches, confrontation leading to injuries followed by FIRs: Tuesday unfolded as a day of high drama outside Parliament, with BJP leaders and the opposition locking horns over the alleged insult to Ambedkar. Several MPs of the ruling BJP-led National Democratic Alliance were protesting at the steps of Parliament's 'Makar Dwar' against the Congress' alleged insult of Ambedkar, while MPs …
Three Congress MPs KC Venugopal, Manickam Tagore and Kodikunnil Suresh on Thursday wrote to Lok Sabha speaker, Om Birla, alleging that three Bharatiya Janata Party MPs ‘physically manhandled’ the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi. The Congress MPs accused the BJP MPs of blatantly assaulting the personal dignity of Rahul Gandhi and said that the behaviour was …