Lakhs of pilgrims took their holy dip at Ganga Sagar here on the occasion of Makar Sankranti on Friday, Januay 14, 2021, with a section of them giving the go by to the COVID-19 safety protocol. Senior government officer of South 24 Parganas district said only those who were fully vaccinated and tested negative for COVID-19 were allowed to enter …
By Sandeep Rawat Elaborate arrangements are being put in place for Makar Sankranti bath which normally in previous Kumbh fairs used to be the first festive dip of the Kumbh. Clearing doubts over Makar Sankranti festive bath on January 14, Haridwar district administration has stated that an RT PCR negative test report will be mandatory for pilgrims arriving from other …
The much-awaited 50-day Kumbh Mela commenced on 15 January to a roaring start as auspicious Makarsankranti dawned upon the sangam, the confluence of holy Ganga, Yamuna and mythological Saraswati, and 1.25 crore devotees, including sadhus, seers, religious leaders and common public took a holy dip amid chants of 'Har Har Gange' during the first 'shahi snan' in Prayagraj. A holy …
It wasn't dawn yet when devotees took their first holy dips in the ice-cold waters of the Ganga and the Yamuna in Prayagraj on Tuesday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted a Twitter video soon after the Shahi Snan, or royal bath, began. The Kumbh Mela has begun on Makar Sankranti; it ends on March 4, on the occasion of Maha …