Actor Rana Daggubati’s action spectacle Haathi Mere Saathi, which was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, will now hit the screens on Makar Sankranti in January next year. The trilingual film will be titled Haathi Mere Saathi in Hindi, Kaadan in Tamil and Aranya in Telugu. Be a part of this thrilling battle with Haathi Mere Saathi, releasing in theatres …
Actor Rana Daggubati's action spectacle "Haathi Mere Saathi", which was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, will now hit the screens on Makar Sankranti in January next year. "Be a part of this thrilling battle with 'Haathi Mere Saathi', releasing in theatres on Makar Sankranti 2021," the makers said in a statement on Wednesday. The "Baahubali" star also took to …
Mumbai: Actor Rana Daggubati’s action spectacle “Haathi Mere Saathi”, which was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, will now hit the screens on Makar Sankranti in January next year. “Be a part of this thrilling battle with ‘Haathi Mere Saathi’, releasing in theatres on Makar Sankranti 2021,” the makers said in a statement on Wednesday. The “Baahubali” star also took …