HYDERABAD: Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka has accused the previous BRS government of bringing down the state finances to a stage where the Congress dispensation had to borrow fresh loans to repay the existing debts. The deputy CM said that the present government had borrowed Rs 52,118 crore, and repaid Rs 64,516 crore in the last one year. Vikramarka, …
HYDERABAD: Stating that the state government decided to clean Musi to improve the living standards of people of Hyderabad, Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka on Tuesday said that the opposition parties were obstructing the river rejuvenation project as they were not interested in welfare of families living in Musi catchment area. While participating in “Hyderabad Rising” programme here, Vikramarka …
HYDERABAD: Alleging that the previous BRS government had snatched away assigned lands distributed among the poor by former PM late Indira Gandhi, and also sold prime lands by converting those into real estate layouts, Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka said that the pink party leaders have no moral right to criticise land acquisition by the present government for various …