Social activist Yogendra Yadav on Tuesday said if 'mandis' are closed due to the Centre's new agri laws the farmers of Punjab and Haryana will be ruined as the government would no longer procure their crops. Addressing a 'Kisan Mahapanchayat' organised by United Kisan Morcha in Rajasthan's Sikar district in support of the ongoing farmers' agitation against the agri laws, …
The Congress on Saturday hit out at the Centre over three farm ordinances, alleging that they would subjugate the farmers “at the altar of a handful of crony capitalists” and were a “death knell” for agriculture. The ordinances seek to provide barrier-free trade for farmers’ produce outside notified farm mandis, and empower farmers to enter into farming agreements with private …
The covid-19 pandemic is probably the biggest threat to health that people across the globe are facing. The Food and Agriculture Organization food price index, which records monthly changes in the international prices of commonly-traded food commodities, averaged 180.5 points in February, 1% lower than in January. This is bad news for the Indian farmers when wheat production in the …
The Covid-19 pandemic is probably the biggest threat to health that people across the globe are facing. The Food and Agriculture Organization food price index, which records monthly changes in the international prices of commonly-traded food commodities, averaged 180.5 points in February, 1% lower than in January. This is bad news for the Indian farmers when wheat production in the …