Cyclone Mandous continues to wreak havoc in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, as the storm crossed the states on Saturday after landfall. Andhra Pradesh's Venkatagiri-Gudur highway in Nellore, places in Chittoor district, and parts of Tamil Nadu, including Chennai, remained affected by waterlogging and overflowing of rivers due to heavy rainfall, as per the news agency ANI. The second tropical …
Cyclonic storm ‘Mandous’ over the Bay of Bengal will hit the coast between north Tamil Nadu and south Andhra Pradesh around December 9 night and early next day. As the state government including Puducherry reviews preparations, heavy rains continued to lash Tamil Nadu under the influence of the cyclonic storm. Once it intensifies, the cyclonic storm’s maximum sustained wind speed …
As Cyclone Mandous over the southwest Bay of Bengal heads west-northwestwards, the India Meteorological Department has issued a high alert in parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and the Union territory of Puducherry. While heavy to very heavy rain was predicted for districts like Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, and Thanjavur, in Tamil Nadu and Karaikal area on Thursday, the IMD said …