VIJAYAWADA: A large crowd gathered at the Telugu Desam central office in Mangalagiri to voice their grievances. Many visitors claimed that, during the last five years under the YSRC government, they faced illegal charges and physical attacks for questioning government actions. State water resources minister Nimmala Ramanaidu, MLC Duvarapu Rama Rao, and TNSF president Pranav Gopal received the complaints. Among …
Vijayawada: A mindboggling 253 new Covid-19 positive cases were reported across Andhra Pradesh in the last 24 hours, thereby increasing the total positive cases to 4,841. Among the 294 positive cases were 253 belonging to the State, two foreign returnees and 39 of people from other States. Around 18 positive cases were reported in Kadapa on Sunday with the district’s …