TIRUNELVELI: The chairperson of Manimuthar town panchayat, who belongs to a scheduled caste, filed a complaint with Ambasamudram Deputy Superintendent of Police Satheesh Kumar on Wednesday seeking legal action against the husbands and relatives of certain caste Hindu panchayat councillors for allegedly harassing her on the basis of caste and also issuing death threats. "I hail from a family of …
Seeking release of water from Manimuthar Dam, a group of farmers from Chinnamaadankudiyiruppu near Eral came to the Collectorate on Monday clutching withering paddy crops. The petitioner farmers said around 150 farmers had cultivated paddy on 60 acres of land, which gets water from Chundanpaaraikulam near Chinnamaadankudiyiruppu. If the water was not released within next four days, paddy raised on …
Drinking water supply during this summer in four southern districts may be unprecedentedly erratic and give a major headache to the official machinery as storage level in Papanasam and Manimuthar dams that collectively take care of the drinking water supply in these districts has fallen sharply. Consequently, four southern districts may face acute drinking water shortagethis summer. With the storage …