The Tamil Nadu Tea Plantation Corporation has told the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court that the area leased out to Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, where Manjolai tea estate is located, cannot be taken over as a 2018 notification declared the entire area a reserve forest. In a status report, TANTEA submitted that Manjolai, Kakkachi, Nalumukku and Oothu estates …
TIRUNELVELI: Assembly Speaker M Appavu suggested the state government on Tuesday to take control of the Manjolai Hills instead of handing over the reins to the forest department. The Manjolai Hills might also face mismanagement if the state government does not intervene in time," said Appavu. "While forest officials are imposing restrictions on devotees visiting the Sorimuthu Ayyanar Temple in …
TIRUNELVELI: Naam Tamilar Katchi chief coordinator Seeman on Thursday demanded the state government to repair roads and resume the government bus service to Manjolai hills, stating that college and school students, patients and pregnant women have been stranded without transport facilities for 20 days in the hills. The leader further said the vehicle, arranged by the forest department earlier, charged …