In a new twist in the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation, Manoj Sonkar of the Bharatiya Janata Party resigned as Chandigarh mayor on Sunday night, a day before the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a plea alleging irregularities in the recently held mayoral polls. This followed the resignations of three Aam Aadmi Party councillors – Punam Devi, Neha Musawat, and Gurcharan …
Chandigarh: In a new twist, a day before the Supreme Court's hearing over the mayoral polls in Chandigarh, Bharatiya Janata Party's mayor Manoj Sonkar on Sunday tendered resigned from the post. The Supreme Court has asked Anil Masih, the presiding officer for mayoral elections, to appear before it in person. The development comes in the backdrop of the Supreme Court …
Newly-elected Chandigarh Mayor Manoj Sonkar resigned on Sunday, a day ahead of the Supreme Court hearing on the mayoral polls matter, Punjab BJP president Jitendra Malhotra said. Image Source : INDIA TVAAP councillors joined BJP Chandigarh mayor election There is a continuous political turmoil regarding the Chandigarh Mayor election held on January 30. Supreme Court hearing The Supreme Court on …