In a tragic incident, a 78-year-old woman died while her son was seriously injured after a fire broke out at their house in Mansarovar Garden area near Kirti Nagar in west Delhi in the early hours of Tuesday, police said. Additional deputy commissioner of police Akshat Kaushal said the Kirti Nagar police station received a call around 1am regarding a …
India’s plans to shorten the travel time for pilgrims to Kailash Mansarovar ran into a diplomatic trouble as Nepal strongly objected to the new link road from India to China which was inaugurated by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday. “The Government of Nepal has learnt with regret about the ‘inauguration’ yesterday by India of ‘Link Road’ connecting to Lipulekh, …
A new school for educating the underprivileged kids of Delhi's Mansarovar Park was opened on Sunday under the Youth Awakening Mission of Rishikulshala, a charitable trust providing quality education to downtrodden kids in the city. This would make them stay away from crimes and addictions, would allow them to accept things rationally, help them in using language effectively and would …