Gauahar comes to support Gauahar Khan took to her Instagram Stories to come forward and support Vishal Pandey. In a video, previous Bigg Boss winner Elvish Yadav was seen asking the opinion of his friends on the slap incident in his latest vlog. The stir A physical assault took place inside the Bigg Boss OTT 3 house, when after a …
Venus Transit In Aries on 24 April: Vedic astrology considers Venus to be the factor of material comforts. Know from Astrologer Chirag Bejan Daruwalla which zodiac signs should be careful during Venus transit- Aries The transit of Venus in Aries is going to be auspicious for the people of Aries. Gemini The transit of Venus in Aries is going to …
Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about …
The new year is traditionally a time when many people feel a renewed commitment to create healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, drinking more water or eating more healthfully. Health benefits of marriage, for men and women It’s important to note that most marriage and health studies have been limited to married men and women. On the flip side, married …
Marriage gives partners a sense of belonging, more opportunities for social engagement, and less loneliness, which can have a significant impact on health — from lowering the risk of hypertension and heart disease to lowering the risk of death or suicide The new year is traditionally a time when many people feel a renewed commitment to create healthy habits, such …
Infidelity need not ruin a marriage and having a secret affair may be a form of 'self-care' that can benefit all participants and prolong the union. Formed by years of researching behaviour of members, that is the contentious viewpoint of Isabella Mise, the Communications Director at Ashley Madison - a dating platform created for married people who want to have …