The Perseverance rover, which recently completed its one Martian year of operations on the Red Planet, has successfully dropped five of the 10 sampling tubes with rock cores in them. ONE MARTIAN YEAR FOR PERSEVERANCE The SUV-sized rover marked its one Martian year of operations late last week as it continued to trundle on the floor of the Jazero crater, …
When Nasa landed its Mars rover Perseverance on the Martian surface, it was an Indian-American handling the controls and landing system. Swati Mohan spearheaded the attitude control and landing system of the Perseverance rover that navigated a particularly difficult touchdown. Perseverance safely on the surface of Mars, ready to begin seeking signs of past life,” flight controller Swati Mohan announced …
CNN — The NASA Perseverance rover has been confirmed to be healthy and is now on a journey to Mars. “The mission has 314 million miles of interplanetary space and seven minutes of terror to get safely onto the surface of Mars,” said Lori Glaze, director of NASA’s planetary science division, in a statement. Here’s what to expect for the …
CNN — After years of designing, building, planning and testing, the NASA Perseverance rover’s launch readiness review has concluded, and it’s a go for launch on July 30. “These two new capabilities will allow us to investigate a postage stamp-size area for elemental chemistry and organic molecules,” said Ken Farley, Perseverance’s project scientist at the California Institute of Technology. Compared …