India is set to make history with the groundbreaking Space Docking Experiment, a mission that will demonstrate the complex art of satellite docking in space. Scheduled for launch on December 30, 2024, this mission represents a critical milestone in India's space exploration capabilities. The mission involves launching two specially designed satellites, each weighing approximately 220 kg, using the workhorse Polar …
It was the line that linked legendary Indian architect Balkrishna V. Doshi and Le Corbusier. When Doshi went to Paris in 1950 to work with the master architect for four years, neither had words in common—Doshi spoke no French and Le Corbusier’s English was limited to a few sentences. His granddaughter Khushnu Panthaki-Hoof, principal architect, Studio Sangath, and director,Vastu-Shilpa Foundation, …
A landscape collection depicting Three Gorges views by Tao Lengyue. He introduced the oil painting technique of accentuating a contrast between light and shadow to breathe new life to ink paintings, and preserved the poetic beauty and a manner of intellectual seclusion from worldly affairs of the Chinese cultural traditions. An oil still life work and a landscape collection depicting …