Pune: Dr Abraham Mathai, former Vice-Chairman of Maharashtra State Minorities Commission, has expressed deep concern over alarming reports from Bangladesh at Jessore’s Jamia Islamia Madrasa that depict students dressed as ISIS militants, holding toy guns, reportedly under the guidance of a cleric. When they grow up, they will wield real guns, swords, and grenades… pic.twitter.com/YtBBp4Px0e “These shocking visuals from a …
Hyderabad: Nord Anglia Education, a premium international schools group, has collaborated with UNICEF, to invest over US$290,000 in student-led social impact projects, as part of its education strategy to help students develop their sense of purpose and global citizenship, as they create and lead community impact initiatives. Aashray Mathai, a high school student at Oakridge International School and founder of …
Varghese Mathai’s The Village Maestro & 100 Other Stories is a quick read, which might sound surprising, as a 100-story compilation is not expected to be a run through. Addressing a multi-cultural group that he did, Mathai drew heavily from an eclectic spread comprising Chaucer, folklores from India, parables from the Jewish tradition and anecdotes from all corners of the …
Forty-one-year old Avyakta left New Delhi 10 years ago and began travelling across India to interact with students, discussing Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings on life and society. “It is not totally appropriate to call me a practising Gandhian,” says Sudarshan who has devoted a large part of his life training Adivasi girls in agriculture, animal tending, and basic computer skills. Former …