Troubled actor Matthew Newton fled Australia to live in New York in 2012. Matthew has kept under the radar since relocating to the U.S. and reportedly resisted requests from his mother, Patti, 76, to return to Australia last year, when New York was struggling through the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Woman's Day magazine, Matthew has completely given …
Kyle Sandilands will be among the cast of colourful characters in the upcoming John Ibrahim biopic TV mini-series. The show will be based on the Kings Cross identity's book, Last King of the Cross, in which the 50-year-old's shock jock pal, 49, is mentioned multiple times. Coming soon: Kyle Sandilands will be among the cast of colourful characters in the …
Troubled actor Matthew Newton has been keeping a low profile since relocating to the U.S. in 2012, and it appears he intends to keep it that way. 'Because of his scandals over the years, Matthew can't face coming home to Australia,' a source told Woman's Day on Monday 'Every family occasion is tinged with sadness for Patti,' said a friend. …