Filmmaker Prakash Jha, who delivered the third season of his hit web series Aashram this year, has commented on the poor state of big-budget films releasing in theatres these days. Prakash Jha is known for his socio-political films like Gangaajal, Apaharan, Raajneeti, Aarakshan, Chakravyuh and Satyagraha. On being asked about the sorry state of films in theatres, he said, “They …
Matto Ki Saikil Cast: Prakash Jha, Anita Choudhary, Dimpy Mishra, Aarohi Sharma Director: M Gani In 1948 Vittorio De Sica made Bicycle Thieves, a haunting tale about a man trying to track down his stolen bicycle, which is his only hope to secure his livelihood. In 2020, M Gani’s Matto Ki Sakil took us back to the Italian classic, making …