Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja stepped out in Mumbai today. Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja were clicked on an outing in Mumbai. Sonam Kapoor's polka dot dress is from the shelves of the designer label Bella Freud. Sonam and Anand's contrasting style Sonam styled the ensemble with a pink hair bow, making a strong case for the style trend. While …
Sonam Kapoor, the reigning fashionista of Bollywood, once again set the style quotient soaring. Donned in a stunning all-black ensemble from the renowned fashion house Dior, Sonam’s look grabbed the eyeballs at Paris Fashion Week. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sonam A Kapoor Celebrity fashion stylist Nikhil Mansata played a pivotal role in making Sonam’s look …
Sonam Kapoor's fashion prowess knows no limits. Case in point: Sonam's latest airport fit in a red-coloured maxi dress and matching long jacket. Sonam Kapoor wears a maxi dress, sneakers, and a baseball cap to the airport. Sonam Kapoor's airport look decoded Sonam Kapoor's red-coloured maxi dress has noodle straps, a plunging V neckline, a breezy silhouette, and a long …
Bollywood's OG fashionista Sonam Kapoor enjoyed a date night with her husband Anand Ahuja in Mumbai last night. Sonam Kapoor in ₹ 44k co-ord crop top and skirt enjoys dinner date with Anand Ahuja Sonam was clicked by the paparazzi outside a restaurant in Mumbai last night. Take a look at the photos here: Sonam Kapoor on a date with …