If you have started using a credit card, you must be aware that there are quite a few options to claim cashbacks and rewards. For spending habits: It is recommended to opt for cards such as HDFC Bharat Cashback, SBI SimplySAVE, or Axis Bank ACE, which offer high cashback/rewards on utility and daily expenses. Category-specific offers: These are also some …
In today’s world, there is a greater need to redefine home designs and move away from outdated patterns. Multi-functional furniture It includes items such as a sofa that can be converted into a bed, a folding dining table with storage, a wall-mounted desk, or a coffee table with hidden storage space. Integrated storage designs help maintain an uncluttered approach to …
The art of optimising compact spaces has become a cornerstone of modern living and as urban landscapes grow denser, the need for innovative solutions to maximise functionality in small homes has never been more pressing. Small space, big style: Tips to maximise functionality in compact homes Within this paradigm, architects and designers are compelled to reimagine spatial configurations, harnessing ingenious …
Electric scooters have gained an increased footprint in India to support greener mobility. Interestingly, factors like significant lower price of ownership and lower running costs per kilometer have made electric scooters the first choice for buyers. Here are some tips on how you can take care of your electric scooters: Maintain OEM-prescribed tyre pressure The tyre pressure causes a direct …
It’s not every year that France—India’s primary ally in the European Union—holds the presidency of the Council of the EU. For Europeans, the French presidency comes at a critical juncture in international politics—in the midst of the third wave of Covid-19 and US-China strategic power play, with Russian troops at the Ukraine border and an unfolding energy crisis, alongside the …
Mario Andretti is confident every effort will be made to save as much of the Formula One schedule as possible and would not be against races behind closed doors. Andretti, the 1978 F1 champion, has been impressed by the positive outlook and believes initially racing without fans and condensing the weekend to two days would help ensure fewer grands prix …